How much does a video cost?
- This is a very common question we get asked. Every project is unique and it takes time to figure out what your needs are and what we can produce within your budget. When you talk with us, we’ll go over these things and provide you with a quote afterward.
How long should my video be?
- Once again, this depends on your project. If it’s something to be viewed on your website, it should be as short and to the point as possible. We recommend under 2 minutes. Instructional videos can last longer, but should be divided into segments no longer than 5 minutes. Attention spans are becoming very limited!
What should I wear to a video shoot?
- Thin stripes and houndstooth jackets tend to generate strange video patterns called “moire” and should be avoided. Colors are always more photogenic than black & white clothing. Women should avoid big earrings and jewelry that rattles. Beige-colored lipstick and blush show up better than most reds.
How should I prepare to be on camera?
- Before the shoot we like to see a “script” for what you will be saying on camera so we can make suggestions or prepare you to bring things you’d like to cut away to. We can also prepare cue cards or talking points if you need them. It’s great to rehearse before you come, but be prepared to make changes if you need to.